Friday, May 04, 2012

Homemade ice-cream

this is not your normal ais kerim Malaysia tu tau, yang ni can challenge baskin robins ok! (statement berani mati ni..)

introducing my homemade salted caramel & nuts ice-cream :)
hahaha, percaya tak? silalah percaya..serius ok! ni bukan cilok-claim-sendiri-punya!

the idea came when i was browse through a cooking blog.. sekali terjumpa entry pasal salted caramel, terus teringatkan plan nak buat ice-cream from the leftover whipping cream buat pavlova hari tu.. plan yang tertangguh sebab tak tau nak letak flavor apa :D oohlala *-:) right there & then dah boleh terbayang kelazatan ice-cream ku itu nanti :))

but i'm not that adventurous to make the caramel from scratch la kan :P ngelat sikit je ;) guna caramel candy yang ada kat rumah tu je.. bought from Singapore with love (kelas kau, imported ingredients lagi!) 
I melted a couple of these caramel cubes and drizzled over the almost frozen ice-cream.

and to make it more decadent, i added about half a cup of toasted mixed nuts (i use hazelnut, walnut & cashew nut) nyummm~

to make the ice-cream, I  beat about 1 cup of whipping cream with 3 spoonful of sweetened condensed milk. bila dah kembang, masukkan mixed nuts tadi & kacau ala kadar. lepas tu terus masuk freezer. after about an hour or so, baru taruk caramel tu & masuk semula dalam freezer kasi beku semalaman. tadaaa..dah siap ice-cream kita :) senang kan?! resepi ni pakai agak-agak je, a loose adaptation of several recipes from the web ;) 


semut-terbersin said...

Seriously mmg rasa mcm baskin robins! Angah br je puji rasa ice cream awak buat ni sedap mcm baskin robins kat instagram angah td, then br tau entri awak ni! Huyyoii! Tere lah aunty aariz ni!

a.T.i.e.Q.a said...

tengok orang laa.. aqeef pon suka!

NaJiHaH said...

weh tiqah...aku teringin ar...tak der substitute ker utk caramel cube tuh?

a.T.i.e.Q.a said...

Eah, boleh buat caramel sendiri.. cer carik resepi caramel kat online. mcm senang je nak buat :)

hanim said...

wahhh tikah.. nk try la. mmg teringin nk wat aiskrim sndirik!


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