uuwaaaaa..dah habis dah part ssangchu couple ni! alahai..sedihnyer..pasni dah x dapat nak tengok lawak diorang ni~~
anyway, nak sambung cerita pasal episod2 yang yang belom cerita lagi seblom nih. Lepas JoongBo buat blindate untuk 'youngmasters', esoknya tu diorang ni dapat blank paper untuk mission diorang ni..so, HyunJoong tulis atas kertas tu nak jadi manager Hwangbo untuk 1 hari, pastu Hwangbo sambung, sambil jaga Jins, anjing Hwangbo. Hwangbo ada persembahan kat Pusan, so sebagai manager, HyunJoong pilihkan baju untuk Hwangbo..tapi dia ni jenis yang conservative, jadi dia x suka kalau Hwangbo pakai seksi2, habis semua baju yang Hwangbo tunnjuk x bleh pakai..lol
lepastu, Hwangbo kena berlatih plak for her show..
bila Hwangbo dah balik dr persembahan, couple ni pegi jalan2 tepi pantai. sebelum ni dah 3 kali diorang pegi pantai(1st honeymoon, 2nd bercuti dgn AlShin couple & 3rd time Ant Tour) so, kali ni yang ke-4..Hwangbo tanya HyunJoong ingat x ape yang dia tulis kat pantai ke-3? HyunJoong x ingat, so Hwanbo merajuk, tapi dia tulis kat pasir "In the end..the 4th time.." terus HyunJoong ingat balik;
The 1st time at sea with meHyunJoong kata kali ke-4 ni diorang datang bersama, so dia guarantee the 5th time pon akan datang dengan dia jugak (so sweet~~!)
The 2nd time at sea with me
The 3rd time at sea with me
The 4th time, come with me again
malam tu jugak HyunJoong tuntut janji Hwangbo suruh buat muka comel..so nak tak nak Hwangbo kena buat jugak la..comeyje~ HyunJoong jahat, siap gelakkan lagi..pastu sebelom tido sempat lagi HyunJoong ajuk gaya Hwangbo..ahaha
sebelom makan, JoongBo main 'Go Stop'..sape kalah kena pukul kat dahi, 1st round HyunJoong kalah, Hwangbo pukul dia kat dahi, HyunJoong x puas hati, ajak buat 2nd round. kali ni plak Hwangbo kalah, so dia kena plak dengan HyunJoong. Kesian Hwangbo, sakit kot sebab berbekaslah dahi dia..couple ni memang, semua benda pon nak jadikan pertandingan..sape kalah kena bayarlah..kena belanja lah..denda lah..macam2
Hbo: what~?
HJ: hello?
Hbo: why is a horse calling me?
HJ: I'm doing the 2 phone calls a day..what are you up to?
Hbo: me? I came to Jeju Island
HJ: really?
Hbo: yeah. I came with my (horse)hubby
HJ: I came to Jeju with (horse)wife too
Hbo: I'll put my hubby on the phone. Hold on(letak phone kat telinga kuda)
HJ: Hey! Who the h**l are you, punk? What the h**l are you?! Hey!
HJ: You..do you love Hwang Buin?
(kuda tu angguk)
HJ: You..horse ba****d..
Hbo: (to horse)Buin, you really care for hubby, right?
(kuda tu geleng)
Hbo: Please care for him lots in the future too
HJ: I think it's time for me to break up with this one. Put him on, I have one last thing to say
HJ: What are you? What's your name? You..Do you really like Hwang Buin?
(kuda tu angguk)
HJ: Hey!Do you really like Hwang Buin?
(kuda tu angguk lagi)
HJ: oh, this guy is.. my (horse)wife says she doesn't like me. Wife, do you hate me? huh?
(kuda tu angguk.. lol)
Hbo: omo. you should have been good when you had her.Hubby..
HJ: As expected,I think a human wife is better that a horse.
Hbo: right? so..you should have been good when you had me. I can treat you better than a horse right?
HJ: ok.I'll be an escort trying my best from now on.I'll turn you into a queen. Elizabeth Hwangbo. I'll come soon.
Hbo: I'm going with my hubby now..
HJ: (talking to horse)It hurts my pride. Don't follow them. Don't follow them!! Buin..
lepas tu, couple ni pegi tepi pantai..so, betullah kata HyunJoong, diorang datang buat kali ke-5. Tapi JoongBo dua2 setuju yang diorang mungkin tak akan datang sama2 for the 6th time..alala~sedih nyer!
Ep.38(last) Sebelum tido, Hwangbo request satu-satunya benda yang HyunJoong takkan buat..'pick a star' Saje je nak test, sekali HyunJoong buat! tapi lama sangat nak siap, Hwangbo sempat tido dulu. rupanya, HyunJoong pon telelap gak..hahahaha tapi siap gakla bintang tu..siap dengan ucapan lagi!
esoknya pagi2 diorang dah siap nak pegi mendaki Mount Halla. Gunung tu setinggi 1950m, biasanya ambik masa 5 hours nak sampai puncak(sebab curam) tapi HyunJoong dengan yakinnya kata boleh sampai dalam masa 1jam setangah..so mula2 dia larilah, sekali dah x larat, berhenti..pastu konon2 kat dia tunggu Hwang Buin..lol
Hwang buin hates being cute, so don't make her act cute
she's a good cook, but don't make her cook too much, she finds it bothersome
and don't lie to her
phone her more than twice a day
don't look at anyone else as a woman
and you must never talk about the first love
and.. make a lot of money so she doesn't have to work the events
and diligently deposit paycheck every month
when she's that age, she wont be doing her events anymore
just treat her well unconditionally
don't come to Jeju Island for honeymoon though, she'll remember..right?
right? since she'll remember if you come here for honeymoon
HyunJoong is..he's a kid who loves to win
so please keep losing to him
but you can't make it obvious that you're losing to him
you have to make it seem like you tried really hard but lost
he can't wake up well
so if you tickle him, he wakes up well
he hates mushy things..so don't expect too much
even if he doesn't express it..just feel it with your heart
the end!
Hwang buin..whenever things are hard
remember the hard times on Mount Halla
After hard times there will be laughter too
I hope you'll always remember that..
Be happy~!!
Hubby~!! Thank you..and sorry
that's it
say "to the world"
1,2,3 (both)to the world!!
sedih sangat sebab masing2 dah jatuh sayang..walaupun mula2 tu diorang ni awkward. yelah, 8 bulan bersama, lepas tu kena berpisah. Even 'make believe' marriage, still kadang2 diorang rasa macam perkahwinan betul2..
anyway, aku tetap enjoy tengok rancangan ni..kalau kat Malaysia buat, x dapat bayangkan macam mana. but then, x mungkin kot sebab macam tak sesuai la kan dengan culture+agama kita, kan?!
*credit to muish for english translation